Wouldn’t it be great to be able to hit the rewind button and start over again?
At The Hedtke Law Group, this is a big part of what we talk about with many of our clients who come in trying to solve major financial challenges.
In a sense, chapter 7 bankruptcy is a way to start over. This kind of fresh start can help someone to reimagine how they will deal with their assets and their ability to make a living in future years, and how they will fit into that enormous jigsaw puzzle that is the economy. But this isn’t something to rush into – or to rush through.
When you’re considering some type of bankruptcy, it’s important to invest valuable time in planning and brainstorming. You have the immediate challenge of making creditors whole or coming to resolutions in negotiations, but there are longer-term things to think about, as well, and some of these are critically important to how things will look afterward.
The journey through one of these processes is a journey that requires some introspection and looking at things from a number of angles. We help our clients to do that with practical advice about what to do to rebuild your financial health after bankruptcy.
Credit Repair and Credit Counseling
We help our clients to figure out how to approach mandatory credit counseling and other aspects of credit repair.
This is an essential part of the puzzle, and if you’re going through a bankruptcy, you ignore this at your peril. On the other hand, some reasonable actions and decisions will put you in a good place to pursue rebuilding your credit. We talk about this with many clients in detail, to help them anticipate the process.
The Credit Game
A common part of our brainstorming process with clients is looking at what credit is, and how to use it to your advantage.
It may seem unfair to a lot of people. The extent to which companies and other parties value individual credit is, in some ways, surprising, and in other ways, sometimes unpleasant. Credit scores can seem arbitrary and black marks on credit can seem profoundly punitive.
It’s fine if you have that 720 credit score, but if you don’t, you start to feel the sting of society’s rigid conformance to these financial benchmarks.
That’s one reason why credit repair is so important.
Looking to weather a bankruptcy, or plan for your financial future? Talk to us. We have experience helping clients to make their plans on solid ground.