Personal Bankruptcy Lawyer May Save Your Sanity
With the tough economic times we are currently facing, many people are at the point where the only way out is to file for bankruptcy. In order to make this extremely difficult time just a little easier, it’s important that you find the right person to help look out for you and your interests. When it comes to hiring a personal bankruptcy lawyer, here are some things to keep in mind.
You will need to provide your attorney with all your pertinent financial information. Most attorneys charge $100 an hour and up so you don’t want to waste your attorneys time. Have everything ready to go every time you meet with them.
Your attorney will tell you exactly what they will need but some of the most common things will be: credit card bills, outstanding medical bills, mortgage information, car loan information, and any outstanding debt you may have. Getting all this information together should be the first thing you do.
When it comes to actually selecting your lawyer it’s always a good idea to get personal recommendations if possible. If you personally know anyone who has filed for bankruptcy you can ask them if they would recommend their attorney to you. If they say that they weren’t happy with the way their attorney handled their case you may want to keep looking.
Make sure that whatever attorney you are considering hiring is from your state. Many people who live on the borderline of two states will mistakenly try to hire an attorney from another state. If you’ve recently moved to a new state you will have to ask whether or not your attorney should be from your new state or the state you moved from as laws will be different from one state to the next.
When you are considering an attorney try to set up a consultation, these are usually free but make sure to ask. During this meeting it’s important to note whether or not you like and trust the attorney. This may sound unimportant but not all attorneys are good at their job and you will be working closely with them so you want to feel comfortable with them.
Make sure they give you their fee schedule in writing. This doesn’t mean that they will tell you how much your case will cost since they charge by the hour and that may not be possible, but they should at least tell you how much they charge per hour and what other fees you might incur during your case.
Going through a bankruptcy is tough enough without having to feel like your attorney is too busy to talk to you. When you are interviewing the attorney find out how many bankruptcies they do a year and how many people will actually be working on your case.
I hope this information on how to find the best personal bankruptcy lawyer for you has helped somewhat. If you keep these things in mind when you’re interviewing lawyer’s hopefully you can get a little bit of comfort in knowing that you have someone on your side.